Laser Aesthetics
How is skin rejuvenation achieved using lasers?
Dr. Khan uses the Laser Genesis™ to rejuvenate your skin’s appearance. The laser safely passes through your skin, reaches tissues below the surface, and achieves two results:

Laser Aesthetics Specialist
You can diminish wrinkles and age spots, permanently eliminate hair, rejuvenate your skin, and safely remove a tattoo with aesthetic laser treatments. Dr. Tariq Khan at Orange County Concierge Doctor offers a variety of cosmetic procedures using state-of-the-art lasers that achieve superior results without downtime.* Call his office in Tustin, California, or schedule a consultation online to learn whether you’re a good candidate for laser aesthetics.
It stimulates collagen production:
Heat from the laser triggers collagen production in deep layers of your skin. As new, collagen-rich skin replaces your old skin, you gain:
- Smoother, stronger, better-toned skin
- Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
- Tighter pores
- Diminished scars
It diminishes facial redness:
The laser penetrates the blood vessels, heating them just enough to make them break down. Over the next few weeks, the destroyed tissues are eliminated by your body, and facial redness caused by rosacea diminishes.
Skin rejuvenation with the Laser Genesis is warm, relaxing, and doesn’t require anesthesia. You may experience slight redness that goes away within a few hours, but you won’t need any downtime.
What skin problems are treated with a photo facial?
Photo facials use intense pulsed light (IPL) technology to treat skin discolorations such as:
- Facial veins
- Sun spots
- Age spots
- Freckles
- Skin pores
- Leg veins
- Scars
IPL is selectively absorbed by colored pigments, such as melanin (brown pigment in skin) and red hemoglobin pigment in blood vessels. Heat from the IPL damages the pigments and blood vessels, they’re absorbed by the body, and discolorations disappear.
How do lasers permanently remove hair?
Lasers that permanently eliminate hair operate on a wavelength that’s selectively absorbed by the hair follicle. The laser energy heats and destroys the follicle, so it stops growing hair.
Each hair on your body grows for several years, then the hair falls out, and the follicle goes dormant for a short time before growing a new hair. Lasers only affect the follicle when hair is actively growing. You need several treatments to catch all of the follicles in a growth phase.
How do lasers remove tattoos?
Advanced lasers send out rapid pulses that shatter tattoo ink into tiny particles that are gradually absorbed and eliminated by your body. The process is very effective, but it takes some time.
Tattoo removal takes from five to 15 laser treatments, depending on the size and age of the tattoo, the ink colors, and whether it was inked by a professional or an amateur. Each treatment is six to 12 weeks apart because your skin needs to heal before the next session.